Following the call for FERI project submissions, launched by the CBD Secretariat in February 2017, a total of 85 submissions were received from 41 countries.
On July 3 2017, the Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative granted funding up to 100,000 US$ to six restoration projects in Bhutan, Cambodia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mexico, and Peru.
The projects were selected by an expert committee for their strong local community involvement, long-term monitoring approach and focus on critical ecosystem services.
These projects join the initiatives’ funding portfolio for the period 2017-2018. With an existing six projects from 2016, the Initiative has been supporting 13 developing countries with nearly 1 million USD of direct support for the period 2016-2018.
Selected projects:
Title: Restoration of Himalayan old growth oak forests through science-society interactions
Implementing organization: Conifer Forest Research Sub-Centre, Thimphu, Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environmental Research (UWICER), Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Royal Government of Bhutan
Objectives: Expand the knowledge base and science-based restoration of Himalayan old growth oak forests, involving active participation of local communities. In addition to their role as a carbon sink, these forests are home to wide range of floral and faunal diversity and serve as a water tower for downstream communities.
Title: Restoration of natural and cultural ecosystem services in Phnom Kulen National Park, Siem Reap
Implementing organization: Technical Working Group on Forestry Reform (TWG-FR) - Sustainable Financing Sub-Group
Objectives: The project, in alignment with CBD Decision XIII/5, ‘Ecosystem restoration: a short term action plan,’ will, together with IUCN’s Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM), assess opportunities for ecosystem restoration in Phnom Kulen National Park, Siem Reap Province.
Title: Ecological restoration in the sub-afromontane region of Kenya
Implementing organization: Plants for Life International
Objectives: Continue to maintain and expand the largest collection of cultivated native plant species in East Africa over a 'model forest' of 40 hectares and over 500 woody species, in order to be a source of both restoration expertise and propagative material for other reforestation projects in the region.
Title: Restoration initiatives of degraded humid forests in the World Heritage site "Humid Forests of Atsinana"
Implementing organization: Madagascar National Parks in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Ecology and Forests
Objectives: In collaboration with local communities, assess the state of degradation and start restoration activities in 3 national parks part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site 'Humid Forests of the Atsinana', one of the most important and representative habitats of Madagascar humid forests, with exceptional levels of biodiversity of global relevance.
Title: Conservation of key species and restoration of ecosystems in the Nevado de Colima Manatlan El Corcovado corridor through social participation
Implementing organization: Reforestamos México A. C.
Objectives: The strengthening of sustainable production projects, recovery of livestock sites through agroforestry techniques and protection of key ecosystem species within natural protected areas, as well as the restoration of ecosystems that are of great importance as feeding, resting and reproduction sites of these species, through mechanisms of social participation.
Title: Scalable strategies for landscape ecological restoration: models in San Martín, Perú, buffer zone of the National Park Cordillera Azul
Implementing organization: CIMA Cordillera Azul
Objectives: Establish, together with local actors, demonstration sites for ecological restoration activities in the buffer zone of the Cordillera Azul National Park, with a view to restoring connectivity in the landscape and generating experiences for future scaling-up of restoration.