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The Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative on the Ground
Case Studies from twelve small-scale innovative ecosystem restoration projects around the world.
One of the main implementation channels of FERI is to provide strategic co-funding and technical support to pilot restoration activities in developing countries. These pilot projects test a variety of innovative restoration techniques and compile and disseminate
lessons learned that could be used in similar restoration contexts.
A total of 12 projects received funding from FERI. Projects incorporating biodiversity considerations were selected between 2016 and 2017 through calls for submissions through the Secretariat and the Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration (GPFLR).
Location of FERI supported projects
Development of a socio-environmental investment model for the restoration of semi-arid land
Coquimbo region, Chile
Establishment of pilot restoration plots in the biodiversity compensation area of the hydrological powerplant of Ituango
Antioquia, Colombia
Identifying biodiversity-related success factors of ecological restoration projects
Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
Restoration of the riparian vegetation of Paso Severino's reservoir
Santa Lucia, Uruguay
Integrated assessment of the multiple
benefits of biodiversity changes resulting from
forest and land restoration in the Sahel region
Niger and Burkina Faso
Ecological restoration in the sub-afromontane region of Kenya
Brackenhurst, Kenya
Restoration initiatives of degraded humid forests in the World Heritage site “Rainforests of the Atsinanana”
Atsinanana, Madagascar
Scalable strategies for landscape ecological restoration: models in San Martín, Perú, buffer zone of the National Park Cordillera Azul
San Martín, Peru
Restoration of Himalayan old growth oak forests through science-society interactions
Development of a Forest Landscape Restoration Program for Guatemala based on ITTO Guidelines
Restoration of ecosystem services in Phnom Kulen National Park
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Conservation of key species and restoration of ecosystems in the Nevado de Colima Manantlàn
El Corcovado corridor through social participation
Jalisco, Mexico
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