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The nationally-specific analysis contained in these 'country dossiers' can help countries identify gaps in relevant baseline information for Targets 5 and 15, in the definition and/or advancement of their national targets.
Linkages with climate change mitigation and adaptation are also explored, as action under Targets 5 and 15 can present synergies with these objectives. At a national level, countries may use this review to prioritize next steps and the support required to define and/or advance their national targets and associated institutional, financial and policy measures to implement agreed actions.
An additional section lists forest and other ecosystem-based commitments that the country may have taken under other fora Countries may use this summary to ensure that these commitments are consistent with national objectives under Aichi Biodiversity Targets 5 and 15.
The companion report UNEP/CBD/COP/13/INF/12
'Updated Assessment of Progress towards Aichi Biodiversity Targets 5 and 15' can be consulted for further information.