Forest Ecosystem Restoration – A Crucial Piece of the new Global Biodiversity Framework
The event highlighted how the Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative (FERI), established in 2015 and funded by the Korea Forest Service (KFS), provides capacity building to support these efforts. Jamal Annagylyjova, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), who moderated the event, draw attention to the success of restorative activities in supporting developing countries in achieving their forest ecosystem restoration targets within the context of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. She noted the launch of FERI´s publication: The Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative on the Ground.
Sunghyun Nam, Minister, KFS, provided opening remarks via video, and highlighted the identification of forests as key to effectively tackling the climate crisis. Underscoring the importance of forest restoration and finance, he noted the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) and KFS successfully co-hosted the 15th World Forestry Congress which adopted the Seoul Forest Declaration, which calls for increased investment in forest restoration to address climate change and biodiversity loss.
Goeun Park, Korea Forest Service, the event´s keynote speaker explained on the Republic of Korea’s experiences, lessons learned from, and driving forces behind, its successful forest restoration, and international dissemination of its experiences.
Robin Chazdon, International Institute for Sustainability Australia, described the WePlan-Forest decision support platform for forest ecosystem restoration, noting it provides access to the best contemporary, evidence-based spatial planning for forest ecosystem restoration and dovetails with global priorities for ecosystem restoration including carbon storage and biodiversity loss.
"The restoration field projects presented in this booklet provide concrete examples of how countries and agencies are making progress on the ecosystem restoration agenda. It is my hope that they will inspire others towards replication and scaling up across all levels of society, so that we can accelerate our journey to achieve the 2050 Vision of “living in harmony with nature.” Elizabeth Mrema, Executive Secretary CBD

Liliane Parany, Madagascar National Parks, spoke on field experiences in Madagascar’s Atsinanana rainforests, supported by the KFS. She described interventions in three national parks to ensure the survival of ecological processes and threatened species in endangered sites. Andrea Romero, FAO, presented on The Economics of Ecosystem Restoration” (TEER) initiative, a collaboration among FAO, the CBD, and others that aims at analyzing the costs and benefits of restoration projects across the globe.
Jamison Ervin, UN Development Programme (UNDP), described the free, massive, open, online course (MOOC) e-learning module called Learning for Nature, offered by UNDP and the CBD. During the event the MOOC impact video was launched.
Bethanie Walder, Society for Ecological Restoration (SER), spoke on the development of standards of practice (SOPs) for ecosystem restoration. After her speech, it was launched the Minute Earth video on the importance of doing ecosystem restoration taking into account non-forest ecosystems.

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