Sub-regional exchange for the Caribbean on the restoration of forests and other ecosystems
Castries, 9-13 March 2020
The overall aim of the workshop is to support Parties in planning and carrying out national plans on ecosystem restoration, guided by the Short-Term Action Plan on Ecosystem Restoration, with a focus on efforts taken in forest and other ecosystems to achieve Aichi Biodiversity Targets 5, 14 and 15 and related targets.
Expected outcomes:
Participants have a clear understanding of the distinction between the related concepts of ecological restoration, ecosystem restoration and forest landscape restoration and their potential to contribute to environmental and socio-economic national objectives.
Participants are aware of the international frameworks, goals and targets related to restoration
Participants understand the value and process for setting ‘SMART’ targets on forest ecosystem restoration that provide a clear and quantifiable contribution to international goals and targets.
Participants’ knowledge has increased with regards to activities of the Short-Term Action Plan on Ecosystem Restoration
A regional understanding emerges from the exchange among participants with regards to:
Assessment of progress in the planning and implementation of national forest restoration plans
Identification of common barriers, challenges and bottlenecks to forest ecosystem and forest landscape restoration among countries of the region
Availability and relevant of global and regional initiatives, tools and resources on forest ecosystem restoration;
Benefits of ecosystem restoration to ecological, social and economic sustainability
With financial
support from: