Criteria for the selection of projects
FERI projects would be evaluated according to the degree they incorporate the below criteria:
Government approval or support (a letter of support from the CBD focal point of the country(ies) of implementation will be required before final approval of FERI support is granted)
Alignment with restoration-related national commitments (e.g. National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans under the CBD, nationally determined contributions under the UNFCCC, commitments under the Bonn Challenge)
Applicability of the guidance in the appendix I of Decision XIII/5 of the CBD Conference of the Parties
Biodiversity objectives and good practices (e.g. incorporating species and genetic diversity, using native species, promoting connectivity across the landscape, or using cross-sectoral approaches)
Contribution to the development of policy frameworks for forest ecosystem restoration
Community involvement and gender considerations
Commitment to monitoring and reporting of project results
FERI grants will typically be up to 50,000 US$, with a maximum of 100,000 US$, therefore linkages with broader projects or initiatives are recommended. A long term vision for the sustainability of the project outcomes is also required.
Typical project duration is 1-2 years. Renewal of funding will be considered for initiatives that have demonstrated a remarkable impact.