This text is extracted from Annex I of CBD COP Decision XIII/5: Ecosystem restoration: short-term action plan.
Monitoring activities should begin during the earliest phases of project development to enable ecosystem conditions and socio-economic effects to be measured against a reference model. Effective monitoring may include extensive planning prior to initiation of restoration activities, including establishing baselines, using biological indicators, and setting clear and measurable restoration objectives based on these indicators. Remote sensing may also be a cost-effective monitoring technique in some ecosystems that can easily be repeated. Monitoring results and the lessons learned on the outcomes of activities in steps B and C may be documented, analysed and used to support adaptive management. The following actions may be considered, and undertaken as appropriate:
Monitoring, evaluation, feedback, and disseminating results
Download the considerations from Restoration Science and Practice for Group D
Assess the efficacy and effects of implementing the ecosystem restoration plan, including the success of ecosystem restoration activities and the environmental and socioeconomic costs and benefits. This may be done in close collaboration with relevant stakeholders including indigenous peoples and local communities and be based on the questions and analysis set out in the monitoring section of the restoration plans in step C4.

Adjust plans, expectations, procedures, and monitoring through adaptive management based on monitoring results and lessons learned and promote continuity beyond the project end.

Consult relevant resources for activity D2
Share lessons learned from planning, financing, implementing and monitoring ecosystem restoration plans in collaboration with stakeholders to demonstrate the practices and areas that provide multiple benefits of ecosystem restoration, identify unintended consequences, and improve outcomes of future restoration efforts, using this through national clearing-house mechanisms and the global clearing-house mechanism, among others, for exchanging information.

Consult relevant resources for activity D3